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Lab Facilities

  • Gravimetry of chemisorption of gases and vapours: Purpose-made all-Pyrex glass gas/vac system, equipped with air-thermostat, a high-vac pumping facility, MacLeod pressure gauge, high-sensitivity silica springs, high-precision Cathetometer.





















  • Volumetry of physisorption and chemisorption of gases: A model Nova series 2000 Quantachrome automatic sorptiometer (USA) equipped with a degassing platform and on-line data acquisition and handling system operating a standard analytical software.




















  • Electronic spectroscopy of solids, liquids and solutions: A model 2100 UV-Vis Shimadzu spectrophotometer (Japan) equipped with a diffuse reflectance attachment and data acquisition and handling system.
















  • In-situ and ex-situ Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectroscopy of solids and adsorbed species: A Genesis-II FT-IR Mattson spectrometer (USA) equipped with WinFIRST Lite v1.02 software for spectra acquisition and handling.
















  • In-situ IR reactor/cells: Purpose-made Pyrex and Pyrex/Quartz glass, evacuable and heatable IR-reactor cells for high (300-700 K) and low (80-300 K) temperature measurements
























  • Temperature-programmed measurements: A model ChemBET 3000 Quantachrome TPR/TPO/TPD facility (USA) equipped with an on-line data acquisition and handling system.




















  • Kinetic catalysis gas chromatography: An all-Pyrex glass flow system, equipped with a differential reactor, gas flow-meters, a temperature controller, a gas sampling valve, and a Varian 2400 gas chromatograph (FRG) equipped with FID/TCD detectors and an online data integrator.

















  • Kinetic catalysis gravimetry: A purpose-made, double-jacketed all-Pyrex glass liquid phase reactor, equipped with a refrigerating, circulating water bath, and an automatically recording model HCB602H top-loading, one-pan ADAM electronic balance (UK) interfaced with a computer installing AdamDu data acquisition and handling software.




















  • Thermogravimetry, and differential thermal and scanning calorimetry: A 30H Schimadzu thermal analyzer.





















  • A model UV2600 Shimadzu DRS UV-Vis Spectrophotomer dedicated for in-situ examination of gas/solid interfaces.
















  • Basic equipment: Muffle furnaces, Ovens, pH-meters, Automatic titrimeters, Balances, Computing facilities and IT-connectivity.

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